Dead Island 2 / Dead Island II game is an upcoming role-playing action game from Dambuster Studios published by Deep Silver. Dead Island 2 / Dead Island II is a sequel to the year 2011 video game Dead Island and the 3rd installment in the Dead Island series. Set about a few months after the...
Street Fighter 6 / Street Fighter VI game is an upcoming combat fighting game developed and published by Capcom. Street Fighter 6 / Street Fighter VI is scheduled to be released on Windows, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X/S on month June 2, year 2023. Taito is expected to release the exclusive Japan...
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League game is an upcoming adventure-action game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Sports. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is the 5th installment in the Batman: Arkham series, set after the events of Batman: Arkham Knight, and for the 1st time does not feature Batman as...
Alan Wake II / Alan Wake 2 game is an upcoming survival horror game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Epic Games Publishing. Sequel to Alan Wake year (2010), Alan Wake II / Alan Wake 2 game should be released on Windows, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in year 2023. Remedy Entertainment released...
Redfall game is an upcoming 1st-person shooter video game developed by Arkane Studios Austin and published by Bethesda Softworks. Redfall game is scheduled to be released on Windows and Xbox Series X/S on month May 2, year 2023. The game is an open-world 1st-person shooter video game that features a multiplayer mode. Players can choose...
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor game is an upcoming adventure-action game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. The sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019) year, is scheduled to be released on Windows, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S on month April 28, year 2023. The game Order retains many game-play elements from...
Assassin’s Creed Mirage game is an upcoming adventure and action game developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux and published by Ubisoft. Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be the 13th installment in the Assassin’s Creed series and the successor to year 2020’s Creed Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Set in the 9th century Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age, the game...
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